Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Word, words, words.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire;/Doubt that the sun doth move;/Doubt truth to be a liar;/But never doubt I love." This quote is from Act I scene iii when Polonious is reading to Claudius and Gertrude the love letter  Hamlet wrote to Ophelia. The quote means even if Ophelia has faith in nothing else, she should never doubt Hamlet's love for her.  The love letter shows a softer and more sensitive side to Hamlet.  It reveals how Hamlet truly does care for Ophelia no matter how he acts toward her. I picked this quote because it's not only beautiful but extremely power.  Shakespeare was able to capture the powerful feeling of being in love within a few short lines.  And to me, that is magic.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Sarah's opinion that the quote was indeed beautiful. Shakespeare did capture the feeling well. At the same time, he gives an insincere undertone because he has polonius read it. Polonius looks on the letter with distrust. This allows the reader to choose between two interpretations. Shakespeare displays his genius in this manner.
